There’s nothing like being in the midst of holiday traffic to make you consider thoughts of the season. It’s as I’m driving down a often seasonally-congested road that my mind wanders to what I will be giving different people for Christmas this year. I’m trying to come up with ideas for things that each person really could use, but also something creative that they may not have thought of needing. I want it to be practical, but also have a unique flair. I think about my desire to get just the right gift and suddenly I’m struck by a new thought: The ability to give a gift like that requires knowing the person. Perhaps, then, our deep desire to give just the right gift, and our excitement over receiving such a gift, exists because it proves that we know and are known. And, of course. Should we expect any less from an action reflective of the greatest gift ever given? We have been given a gift that is practical, yet extravagant; needed, y...