Surprised by joy.
The title of the famous C.S. Lewis work begs a question:
Really? Is that really even possible? To be surprised by joy?
When nothing goes as expected: when mentors are a let-down, friends flake, usual encouragers are nowhere to be seen, and people take advantage of you.
When you feel alone but don’t know why, or know why but don’t know how to explain it to others.
What then?
When your efforts for time with the Lord fail because you can’t stay awake and even a 10 minute drive results in dozing.
What even is joy? It seems to be more than a feeling, but often result in one. It seems to be preceded by hope.
But how do you hope when you’re hope-less? How do you move out of the pit when you’re stuck in your self pity and don’t want to get out?
Isn’t self pity really just not believing in the goodness of God? Look at Elijah: he experiences the mighty power of God on the mountain, sees Him about to bring the rain, is given extra strength to outrun a chariot, but then fears one person and runs away to the wilderness.
If only he had believed in the goodness of God to protect him.
There would’ve been no reason to flee. But he does. He doesn’t trust the God who sent fire, rain, and strength to protect him now. This sends him into self-pity in which he begs that God would take his life.
Self pity often causes irrationality. We see all the bad things and refuse to hope in the God we know is good.
Amazingly, it’s in this self pity that God meets Elijah. He sends an angel to provide food for Elijah; even enough for him to last 40 days! In that 40 days, He travels on the God-graced provision to Mount Horeb, where God meets Him again.
From the human perspective, we reason that God would meet Him in a way that shows Elijah His power; His ability to protect.
But God knows how we need to be met.
The mountains shake and break to pieces in a mighty wind.
God is not in it.
Again it moves in a violent earthquake.
But again God is not not in it.
Flames burn and crackle.
God does not reside within them.
And then a quiet whisper.
And God is there.
Unexpectedly. Grace.
From there God sends Elijah to appoint the new kings of Judah and Israel and to appoint as his successor. 1 Kings says of Elisha that he “arose and followed Elijah and ministered to him.” (19:21).
Again the grace of God. He provides for Elijah’s need to be ministered to and to be followed up in ministry.
In the midst of Elijah’s self-pitied sin, God meets him and gives him food, reveals Himself, and provides a companion for him. He provides for the physical, spiritual, and emotional.
This depiction of God’s grace brings unexpected joy.
But shouldn’t it? Because grace should always be unexpected because it’s always undeserved. And grace is always reason for joy!
*The lyrics from Josh Garrels’ “Songbird” says it well:
“The fire passed me by;
the earthquake’s shaking the mountain.
And I let em go.
When love had left me dry,
your quiet voice broke through,
to water my soul now.”
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