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A major chord rings out in strength. Root note, the third, and fifth. It’s followed now by other ones, The chords it is joined with. Familiar notes, familiar sounds, The chords are calm and full One chord, the next, the song moves on, Its sounds predictable. As peaceful chords continue on, A growing sense is felt That something more is coming soon The music grows and swells. Then in a sudden turn of hand, Fifth note moves up half step. The smallest change, a little shift, But with it chords augment. The sound of song is different now, There’s pain inside the chords. Yet in the pain that’s present there, It rings of something more. One note is lifted higher up, the sadness echoes strong. Yet in the lifting, also heard a sound of pressing on. And why would it be otherwise? Why not this pain, yet hope? We know the story that it tells That trouble brings forth growth. Augment...

Of Rest and Expectation

This March marks one of following Jesus into rest, of giving things up and saying no and being quiet enough to be reminded of who I am in Him.   In the providence of God, it aligns with Lent and I find myself giving up extra things, choosing to walk into a season where I can be reminded of who I am, outside of my activities. It’s hard.   I take a break from things that give me life, knowing that the overall result of them is a life too full for margin.    I rest from things that I’ve felt the Lord’s leading into, wondering why He gave me peace to step into them, only to be led to stop them for a time. It’s really hard.   Again and again my body tells me to stop.   I get sick over and over, my body not being able to fight the germs I’m exposed to from myriads of toddlers.   Health issues that have gnawed at me for years get worse and the weighing fatigue impacts my ability to perform my job.   Tears threaten to overflow as...