Spending more time in the Old Testament has proved to bring a greater understanding of the grace of God. As I read the words I’ve read before, that so often ring with rules and standards, my perspective begins to change as I begin to look for the character of God revealed in the structure He gives to His people. As I read Exodus and Leviticus, the theme that starts to emerge is one of holiness. The holiness of God that demands a holy place and people becomes evident. Further internalizing this truth begins to change the tone of the words that I am reading. Where once commands seemed harsh and impersonal, now they seem tender and gracious. A holy God that can only exist within a holy environment could easily pull away from humanity. How much easier it would be to leave the people of Israel to themselves. But, He doesn’t. The laws and rules and standards and structure are all for the purpose of creating a space in which God...