What is discipleship? It seems that is the question of the day. We’re called to make disciples and yet we hardly see it happening. And when it comes down to it, we don’t even know what it looks like, so how can we know if it’s happening? The word discipleship for me usually brings images to mind of meeting one-on-one with someone, teaching them from scripture, talking about what God is doing in their hearts. I think this is what it can look like to make disciples, but I think to truly understand discipleship the tables must be turned so that we find ourselves sitting face to face with Jesus. Rather than focus on the outer act, he turns our eyes to the inner state. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus tells His disciples that “if anyone wishes to come after [Him] they must deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow [Him].” Tough orders from the God of the universe. I think I cringe a little every time I hear those words. Could it be this life...